Monday, August 24, 2015

Two Paper Clips Redux

March 19, 1953
Hong Kong
USS New Jersey arriving in Hong Kong, August 1953

Hi Honey Doll,

Well, kid, we finally hit Hong Kong today. The exotic orient, the gateway to crime and corruption in the Far East, as the magazines put it. It is an unusual city, at least what I've seen of it from a distance. It's all built on a hill, or shoaled hills, or mountains, they are pretty high. And it is modern looking, but the people (the Chinese) who came out in junks to beg for food and dive for the coins we tossed in the water didn't look very modern at all. 

My buddy and I were talking about it a little while ago. He said we could never describe it to folks back home. They wouldn't believe it anyway.

And I suppose he's right. I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen it.

A city with so "damn" many nice looking buildings and seemingly prosperous with so many people living in poverty. It just isn't right. These "damned" politicians are telling them about the brighter day tomorrow when they know "damn" well they are lying in their teeth.

I know we have the same thing in the States, but it isn't so bad. Americans can't be led very easy. But when a guy's hungry, he'll believe anything.

[Editor's note: This is Jim's political philosophy in a nutshell, a hybrid of traditional American reluctance to trust the establishment and a belief that the role of government is to provide a structure respects the dignity of its citizens and their basic needs.]

Thanks, honey, for listening. Every so often I get all wound up and have to let go.

But you're a good "taker" and I love you for it.

And another thing about this place, next to Lisbon, Portugal, it has the highest VD rate in the world, so Mrs. Parker's little boy is going to be a good kid in this town. 

[Editor's notes: As Mrs. Parker's granddaughter, I'm hoping he was a good kid in other towns, as well. 

[And, who knew Lisbon was a sex pit in the 50s?]

We got some good rumors going these days. The best one is that the ship is going to the East Coast when we get back to the States. This is pretty straight "dope," so don't tell anyone about it. It's supposed to be confidential. Anyway, we are supposed to arrive in Norfolk, Virginia about the first of August. Then we have to make a run down to Cuba or Bermuda for a month or so. That means I don't know when I'll get leave. Some time after August, anyway.

So, save one week of that vacation for me. I'm looking forward to it, O.K.?

I think we will have a mail call tomorrow and if I'm lucky I'll have a letter from you. 

Honey, I wish you were here with me, or better still, I were there with you. 

I can think of so much I want to tell you but I can't put my thoughts on paper. Guess that's why I'm the world's worst letter writer. 

You know, angel. I think you've kept me out of trouble this time over here.

Sounds silly, I know, but last year in Japan I got very drunk one night and got into a jam. I had to go up before the "old man" and he restricted me 72 days. And this time when I start getting a little drunk, I start thinking of you and quit drinking before I get too drunk. 

The one I pulled Christmas was the last time, except for a few social ones with the boys. I guess I'm holding back 'til you and I can celebrate together.

Well, sweet thing, I had better stop before this becomes a novel. 

Answer soon.

I love you, darling,

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