July 14, 1953
San Diego, Calif.
Hi Doll,
What's cooking with the world's sweetest woman?
I'm tired. They have been working us pretty hard the last couple of days getting the ship cleaned up for the East Coast. Just think, only one more week before we shove off.
Well, I was interrupted for the moment. Some guy wanted to show me a picture of his dog who has just given birth to 8 puppies. Boy, we have some "beauties" in this Navy.
I'm sitting here looking at the place where I have to work tomorrow. It's a gun tub that hangs over the side of the ship and we have to paint the bottom side of it.
I sure am glad those things I mailed in Japan got there. Now maybe my brother and sister have gotten theirs and I can rest easy.
I had to stop [writing] last night when they turned the lights out, but I'm back again.
I'm glad you liked the things I sent and hope they fit as well as you said they did. I'm not much of a shopper, even for my own clothes. I don't care for the job.
There is a rumor that leave will start about the sixth of September on the East Coast, but it isn't official, so don't plan on it. I'll tell you as soon as I find out if it does. I'll take leave about the tenth of the month.
I know the lawyer slightly that you mentioned, Frank Hollis. Also, I think I know the girl. If I'm right, her name was Smith before she married.
We have won 3 of 5 games since we hit the States. I'm playing the outfield.
Yes, I was very serious about having duty on Christmas. I'm gonna try to get a few days leave, though, either Christmas or the New Year. If I can, do you think I could talk you into coming to Norfolk?
I must have the dirtiest job in the fleet. I'm sanding the overhang I mentioned before. I'll bet it hasn't been cleaned since the ship was commissioned. If I get it done this time, they will never get me back on it again.
Dot C____ should have told Dr. Parr the missing two weeks was the honeymoon. They were still acting like a couple of starry-eyed school kids.
Any plans you make are O.K. with me. It's been so long since I was home, I'll be like a lost duck in a snowstorm anyway.
And, as for having supper with the Cathys, I love to eat.
Don't forget that I have to go to Tennessee for a few days to see Mom & Pop. You can go along, if you would like.
You are getting smart, letting your hair grow.
Only about five more days in this port and I'll sure be glad to leave here.
I had better sign off for now before they turn the lights out on me again.
Answer soon.
All my love,