Sunday, September 27, 2015

This Time Is Different

September 12, 1953
Norfolk, Va.

Map of the Willow Run Airfield and Yankee Air Museum,
as it looks today
Hello Honey,

Just a couple of lines to let you know when my leave starts and when I will be home.

Leave starts at four o'clock Wednesday the 16th in the afternoon. The plane leaves at six (two hours later) and will land at Willow Run at 10:30 in the same evening. I tried to get a train but their schedules are so fouled up it would take about 30 to 40 hours to get home.

This is the first time I've ever looked forward to coming home. The other times I would just as soon go somewhere else as long as I was getting away from the ship. But this time is different.

Well Doll, I might as well sign off. 

I love you, honey, and in four days I'll show you how much.

Don't Get Any Other Ideas

September 7, 1953
Norfolk, Va.

The historic Willow Run bomber plant; at the likely
time of this image, is producing autos for Kaiser or
(from 1953) Hydramatic transmissions for GM.
Hi Doll,

How is the sweetest girl I know? 

Today is "labor" day. What did you do to celebrate? It would be a good day for picnicking here. Just the right temperature. I wish I could have been home so we could have done whatever you did together.

I've stayed aboard all day. I don't like to go to the beach in this town. 

My brother called me this morning to "shoot the bull" a while. He said they [John and Ruby Parker] just bought a home in Royal Oak [Michigan] and wants me to help him move in while I'm home. He plans to move either the second or third week of October. I'm looking forward to seeing his new home. For a long time I've been trying to get him to move out of the neighborhood he is living in now.

Honey, only eight more days to go, although it will seem longer.

Even though it's only a been a month since you were here, I miss you a lot already.

If I fly home, I'll land at Willow Run Airport at 2:30 in the morning. Think you can get up that early to meet me?

I love you, Norma. Don't get any other ideas.

I'm tired tonight from doing nothing. In fact, I haven't done anything since we came back from Halifax. 

We are pulling out in the stream Wednesday to off load the "ammo." That will take three or four days. We will come back on Friday night or Saturday morning.

Well, honey, I may as well sign off. 

Answer soon.

All my love, 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Just A Matter Of Days

September 4
Norfolk, Va.

Jim's stationery for this letter
Hi Doll,

How is the sweetest girl I know? We just got in this afternoon from Halifax. We had a real good time there. The people were the nicest and most considerate I've met since I've been in the service. 

We didn't get any mail while we were gone and I got six or seven [letters] from you today.  I'm not going to try to answer all your letters. I don't have enough stationery and I must write my mom tonight.

I sure did miss you on our cruise to Nova Scotia since you came out here. I love you more than ever. And miss you more.

Darling, only twelve more days 'til my leave starts. Remember when we were counting months? Then weeks. Now, it's just a matter of days.

We got our new captain aboard. He seems like a real nice "swab," much better than the one he relieved. 

This weekend he gave everyone but the duty section a long (72 hours) pass. 

I called you tonight but you were out, so I told them to tell you I would call back tomorrow.

No, I'm not surprised at Millie G___ "making out" and I suppose you also know how she managed it. 

Sweet thing, I'm gonna sing off for now.

Answer soon.

I love you, Doll, 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Unfinished Letter

Thursday, August 13
Norfolk, Va.

Corsair on Approach by Stan Stokes
Hi Darling,

I'll write as long as this pen does but if it keeps fouling up, I'm gonna throw it over side.

We are having a storm here now. This afternoon we landed aircraft and right away pulled out into the stream so we can maneuver when the worst part of the storm hits. Tomorrow morning at 6:00 we are supposed to have winds up to 65 miles per hour, but I think it will blow out before it hits here.

If the winds die down we will go back into port tomorrow and I'll call you, but if they don't, of course, I can't.

I'm glad you made the trip home alright.

I wish this Canadian cruise was over so I could come home. I miss you already.  What

[Editor's Note: The letter ends mid sentence.]

Click on this link to read the next letter.

Dreams of Decent Food, Clean Places, and Other Things

July 28, 1953

USS Valley Forge going through the Panama Canal, ca. 1953
Hi Angel,

Well, we finally made Panama. We got here at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. We are still on the Pacific side. Tomorrow we go through the canal into the Atlantic side.

I was over in Panama City last night. It's just like all the other ports, except a little hotter.

They have a lot of Oriental merchandise for sale here, the same stuff we bought in Japan, but the prices are a lot higher.

Honey, that's a pretty good idea, taking the first and last week of my leave for your vacation, if you can get it that way. Some companies don't like to split vacations.

It sure will be nice to get home again. I think a leave will set me up for the rest of my time, unless I can get a few days at Christmas, I probably won't take any more leave.

Now, I guess you will know better than to put a blanket over a light bulb in our house. You might burn the "damn place down." HA 

We will be gone from Norfolk from about the 17th of August to the 6th of September, at least. Most of the time we will be qualifying air groups. We will only be in Nova Scotia about 3 or 4 days.

Yes, Darling, that apartment with you to come home to every night sounds good, but it won't be easy for me to get shore duty. In fact, to get it, I would have to extend for a year in the outfit and I don't want to do that. Four years in here is enough.

I would like to get married now and start raising our baseball team.

I dream of coming home to a sweet little wife like you having a place to sit down and someone to make love to and talk with. 

Also, some decent food and a clean well kept place. But those things aren't easy. I know as much as we love each other we could make it work, but I would like to make is as easy for you as possible, and in here, I can't.

The first thing I'll say to you the first morning you wake me up will probably be, "Go 'way woman and let me sleep another week." 

I never used to sleep so much, but since I've been a sailor, all I do is sleep when we are not operating.

I think we talked about 6 or 7 minutes when I called. I will call you again when we get to Norfolk. 

That dream you had sounds nice. Dreaming is something I seldom do. Guess I sleep too soundly.

Doll, we will talk more of getting married when I get home.

Norm, I gotta sign off.

Answer real soon.

I love you, angel,

Wishing For Some Ice And Snow

July 23, 1953
"At Sea"

USS Valley Forge in the Panama Canal, ca. 1951-53
Hello Darling,

I have an apology to make to the West Coast. I thought it was the hottest place in the world, but it isn't. We are someplace below Mexico now and it is so hot we can hardly breathe. I'll be glad when this trip is over.

Some joker just came up and predicted hot weather in a couple of days. HA 

Maybe Nova Scotia will be cooler. I hope so.

I talked to my Division Officer about starting leave on the tenth of September. He doesn't know of any reason why I couldn't, so I guess that's when it will be.

We have a tough operating schedule on the cruise to Nova Scotia, but I don't mind. Time passes faster that way.

Honey, it's too hot to write. I'm now wishing for some of that ice and snow we had in Korea last winter.

Just think, I'll probably never go back to that place again. Not that I want to, but I kind of miss Japan. It seems funny leaving San Diego and going some other place.

July 26, 1953

Hi Sweetheart,

I started this three days ago, but didn't finish it, as you can see.

It's still hot out here but not quite as bad as before. We should hit Panama tomorrow, but we won't start through the canal until Thursday. We stay in Panama until Saturday the 31st of July, then go on to Norfolk. Day after tomorrow, we become East Coast sailors.

Hey, honey, tell me something to write. I'm stuck already.

I could tell you I love you, but you know that. So, I'll tell you anyway, I love you, darling.

Boy, it's gonna be good to get home. This waiting for a leave to begin is the toughest part of the Navy, but it's only a little more than a month now.

I think the Cruise to Nova Scotia will go pretty fast. We will be flying a lot. And if we have to be at sea, I had rather be flying than "dilly dallying" around like we are doing now.

Well, Doll, I may as well sign off for now. 

Answer soon.

I love you,


P.S. Notice change in address. [APO in New York City instead of San Diego]

Click on this link to read the next letter.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

If You Can't Stand The Heat, Get Out Of The Phone Booth

July 20, 1953
San Diego, Calif.

Sailors on liberty in Manhattan, ca 1950
Hi Darling,

Since this is the last day in port for awhile, I had better write.

As I told you on the phone this afternoon, we pull out tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

I'm really hot to get underway. I'm tired of this place.

I hear we will stop on the Pacific side of the [Panama] Canal for one day and on the Atlantic side for three days.

We arrive in Norfolk the 5th of August, leave again around the 10th for a cruise up to Nova Scotia to show those people how a good carrier operates and we go into dry dock the 5th of September.

"No," I didn't have the snapshots made yet. No excuses. I just didn't get around to it yet.

A guy gave me the keys to his locker when he went on leave. He came back this morning at 4 o'clock. He said when he first asked for his keys, I said, "Go away you 'so and so', I haven't got your keys." 

I don't remember saying that. About the third time he called me, I woke up.

Just goes to show that false teeth may come in handy when you start waking me up.

You asked about Lash. Well, "pore ole" Lash, he's "done been had." He came back from leave today a married man. 

I guess men will never learn, but he says married life is o.k. At least he didn't lose any weight.

Speaking of getting married while I'm on leave, "Honey," I would like to. In fact, I would like nothing better. But it wouldn't be any good for you. Or me, for that matter.

I would be away most of the time. If I had shore duty then you could live near the base and I could come home every night, but while I'm on a ship, I won't be in the States very much. 

That phone booth I was talking from this afternoon was the hottest place I've ever been in. I almost melted away while I was in there. 

I'm pretty tired tonight and have to get up pretty early tomorrow.

So answer soon.

All my love, 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dirty Jobs

July 14, 1953
San Diego, Calif.

A sailor's work is never done
Hi Doll,

What's cooking with the world's sweetest woman?

I'm tired. They have been working us pretty hard the last couple of days getting the ship cleaned up for the East Coast. Just think, only one more week before we shove off.

Well, I was interrupted for the moment. Some guy wanted to show me a picture of his dog who has just given birth to 8 puppies. Boy, we have some "beauties" in this Navy. 

I'm sitting here looking at the place where I have to work tomorrow. It's a gun tub that hangs over the side of the ship and we have to paint the bottom side of it. 

I sure am glad those things I mailed in Japan got there. Now maybe my brother and sister have gotten theirs and I can rest easy.

I had to stop [writing] last night when they turned the lights out, but I'm back again.

I'm glad you liked the things I sent and hope they fit as well as you said they did. I'm not much of a shopper, even for my own clothes. I don't care for the job.

There is a rumor that leave will start about the sixth of September on the East Coast, but it isn't official, so don't plan on it. I'll tell you as soon as I find out if it does. I'll take leave about the tenth of the month.

I know the lawyer slightly that you mentioned, Frank Hollis. Also, I think I know the girl. If I'm right, her name was Smith before she married. 

We have won 3 of 5 games since we hit the States. I'm playing the outfield. 

Yes, I was very serious about having duty on Christmas. I'm gonna try to get a few days leave, though, either Christmas or the New Year. If I can, do you think I could talk you into coming to Norfolk?

I must have the dirtiest job in the fleet. I'm sanding the overhang I mentioned before. I'll bet it hasn't been cleaned since the ship was commissioned. If I get it done this time, they will never get me back on it again.

Dot C____ should have told Dr. Parr the missing two weeks was the honeymoon. They were still acting like a couple of starry-eyed school kids.

Any plans you make are O.K. with me. It's been so long since I was home, I'll be like a lost duck in a snowstorm anyway.

And, as for having supper with the Cathys, I love to eat.

Don't forget that I have to go to Tennessee for a few days to see Mom & Pop.  You can go along, if you would like.

You are getting smart, letting your hair grow.

Only about five more days in this port and I'll sure be glad to leave here. 

I had better sign off for now before they turn the lights out on me again.

Answer soon.

All my love, 


Saturday, September 12, 2015

You Had Better Be Ready

[Editor's note: The envelope for this letter had two paperclips on it, Norma's notation that it held special significance.]

July 12, 1953
San Diego, Calif.

When Jim had money to call Norma, he would have looked
for a phone booth, like this one
Esso Gas Winston-Salem, NC 1956 by Hank Walker
Hi Angel Face,

I don't know how long it will take me to finish this. We have two "odd balls" up here, gabbing all the time. You should meet these two, they would drive you nuts.

Now they are singing. It's so funny. I'll have to stop for awhile. Needless to say, they are both about "three sheets on the yardarm." One of them is supposed to come to Detroit when we get leave and wants me to drive with him.

The other said if we would tell him the night we were going out, he would fly up all the way from Colorado just to go out with us. HA  Do you think it will be O.K. if I go out with them?

I suppose you are "shook up" at me (since I haven't had a letter from you in three days). 

And I guess you have every right to be.

I wrote you about three days ago but forgot to mail the letter. I just found it in my locker tonight and dropped it in the [mail] box.

Norm. I can't say what I want to say in a letter. I want to apologize for not calling you again, but by now you should know the reason. I feel a little guilty about getting out and raising "hell" like we did the first week in the States, but in a way I'm not sorry. I had to get away from this ship for a while. I was about to go crazy seeing and doing the same thing for so long.

I know a guy should put the girl he loves before anything else, but you were so far away and I was so disgusted with everything. I hope you will forgive me although I can't promise I won't do it again because under the same circumstances, I would probably be tempted.

Honey, do you know what I would like more than anything right now? 

I would like to come home, marry you, and settle down. Now, it's nothing more than a daydream, but if you will let me, I'll make it come true. 

I'm tempted to ask you to marry me while I'm on leave but I know it's no good, not as long as I'm in the service. But when I get out, then I'm gonna ask you and you had better be ready.

I gotta sign off.

Answer soon

I love you, sweetheart,

Curlers In Your Head, Shame On You!

July 9, 1953
San Diego, Calif.

Vintage print ad for Wil-Hold Plastic Rollers, ca. 1950
Hello Angel,

What's new with the girl I love? 

I'm tired. We had games yesterday and today. We lost the first one, but won today's game. We play again tomorrow.

In the letter I got from you today, you said you might not work on your bedspread while I'm home. Well, all I can say is you had better not work on it. HA  You are not a housewife yet and for thirty days you won't be able to act like one.

Seriously, I worked pretty hard the past year and I'm sure you have. I want us to do nothing but relax while we can.

I'll be out of this "Yacht Club" in 18 months. Then we will both have to work pretty hard.

The ship will go in dry dock either in Norfolk or in Newport News, Virginia, which are very close to each other.  I don't have any idea what ship I'll be transferred to. I don't even know if I will be. That might be "bum dope." It's only a rumor. Personally, I think a rumor is all it will amount to. I hope I'm right because if I have to be aboard a ship, I had rather it was this one.

I'll have some snapshots taken the first chance I get and will send you a couple.

I mailed my brother and sister a jacket the same time I did your bed jacket. My mom said in her letter today that they hadn't gotten them either. Also, that my little brother [Larry Parker] was "raising hell" about his. HA  "Damn," I wish they would get there. I'm worried about them. Also, I don't suppose you  have received your coat either.

If I tried to surprise you when I come home, I doubt if I'd find you with pajamas on and set hair*. I'd probably find you with another man. So I'll tell you when I am coming so you can get rid of the bum and meet me. HA 

[*Editor's Note: Young women in the 50s, like Norma, typically wore their hair with some kind of curl. Sections of wet hair were "set" around "curlers" or "rollers," cylinders of various sizes made of hard plastic or metal wire with bottle brushes inside.  To keep in a curler in place, it might have a plastic bar that clipped around the hair, or bobby pins were used to hold the curlers in place, or the curler might have small bristles set in the plastic, which were painful when removed because they pulled some hair out at the root. The curlers were arranged in rows around the head and the hair was allowed to dry to air dry, a process that took hours (often because hair dryers available for home use were slow, large, and pricey). When the curlers were removed, the hair would be styled with a variety of products designed to keep the curl in place. Click on this link for an iconic TV commercial from the 70s featuring Clairol's revolutionary production, "Kindness," a set of electric curlers that achieved the same results as plastic rollers in a fraction of the time.]

I just glanced in the mirror and noticed that my forehead keeps getting bigger and bigger and my hair is getting lesser and lesser. Guess before too much longer, I'll be "baldy."

Well, sweet thing, I better sign off and hit the sack.

Answer real soon.

All my love,


Monday, September 7, 2015

I Don't Ever Want To Read My Letters

July 7, 1953
San Diego, Calif.

American soldiers teach Korean children to
play baseball, ca. 1952
Hi Doll,

There is a guy sitting along side of me reading some of his old love letters. Some of them are pretty humorous. If my letters sound like the ones he has gotten, I don't ever want to read any of them. 

Honey, I have a confession to make. After I called you and you weren't home and I was waiting for your phone number, I went out a few times and now I'm broke, so I can't call until after the 15th, that's payday. HA 

[Editor's Note: At the time Jim wrote this letter, long distance phone calls were very expensive for the average consumer and the use of credit cards was rare.  Phone calls for someone in Jim's situation would have been placed from a "pay phone," a phone for public use that allowed callers to insert change in the main unit of the phone. An AT&T operator would tell the caller how much it cost to call from his location to another party, per minute. The operator had access to the unit to insure that the correct amount of change was placed for a specific number of minutes of use. If the caller didn't insert enough money to pay for the length of the call, the operator terminated the connection.  There were no answering machines in homes at this time, so people often made arrangements to be at a specific place in order to receive a call, especially if  they expected one from a loved one. Click on this link to a Wikipedia article that explains how phone calls have changed over time.]

If the fishing gear has arrived, your bed jacket should have been with it because I mailed them both at the same time. Also, I mailed a housecoat about two weeks later. You should be getting them pretty soon.

I sure hope so. I'm worried about them.

We have been practicing baseball a lot lately and we have three games this week, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. I hope to pitch one of the games. 

I've drunk about 4 cups of coffee while writing this letter and still can't think of anything to say.

How much notice do you have to give M.B.T. [Michigan Bell Telephone] before you go on vacation?

I want you to take it while I'm home, but I still don't know exactly when my leave will start.

"Oh, yes," I'll send the keys to the suitcase in this letter, if I don't forget it. If I do, I'll send them in the next one.

Guess what, as usual I had duty the 4th of July and couldn't even get off this tub and the way it stacks up, I'll have duty Christmas Day. I never make out at anything. 

I didn't mention it lately, but I love you, Norma, more every day.

That's why I want you to take a vacation while I'm home. I want to be with you all I can.

Sweet thing, us athletes - HA - must get our rest and it is close to midnight.

Answer soon.

I love you,

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Even Tijuana Is Dead Boring

July 3, 1953
San Diego

Postcard for Tijuana, unknown date
Hi Sweet Thing,

What's cooking at home? You have probably guessed by now that I'm no mood to write. I just can't seem to do anything today.

A couple of us went to Tijuana last night but things were dead there. We were back aboard by midnight. 

We have been working on the ship taking platforms and overhangs off the side of it to be able to get her through the locks of the Panama Canal

I heard today that it (the ship) is going into dry dock for a complete re-conversion. If so, it won't be out for two years. I suppose all of us will go to other carriers.

So, Pinnegar is out and driving a new car already, eh? By the time I get home, all of the guys will be out.  Oh, yes, tell Pinnegar "hello." 

Darling, the picture is wonderful. I'm so really proud of it. But, I hadn't forgotten what you look like. I know you'll be the same cute little doll you were when I saw you last. 

Yes, baby!! If you were on the beach, they couldn't keep me aboard. In fact, I might quit playing ball to be with you more. And, honey, for me that would be a sacrifice. HA 

Look, gal, don't have that hair cut too short or I'll get you a wig. And I'm not fooling.

Well, I may as well shut up.

So, answer soon.

All my love,


How Much Is That Doggie In The Window

June 27, 1953
San Diego

Sheet music cover for Patti Page's big hit
ca. 1952
Hi Doll,

Boy, has this been a long day. I have liberty, but I don't care to go ashore. This town seems to be worse each time we pull in.

I was over for a little while yesterday, but I came back early. The place was too dead even for an old "dead beat" like me. HA 

By now you are home from "Cinci" and I hope your uncle is better. 

I tried to call you this afternoon. I wanted to surprise you, but it didn't work out so well. It was my fault. I should have told you I was calling. I'll call again if you will send your phone number. I had a hard time getting through without it.

I was listening to a couple of married "swabs" talking about their troubles the first few months they were married. It doesn't make very good copy, but it is good listening. HA 

One of them said he was married four days before his wife would go to bed with him. I think if that happened to me, I would be beating my head against the wall.

I sure am sweating out the time until I go on leave. I wish we were at sea, time seems to go faster out there. 

Just think, when my leave is up, I'll only have 14 months to pull. I'll sure be glad when it's over. I called my sister in Detroit yesterday. It sure was good to hear her again. She talks with more of a southern drawl than your mother. But you better not tell your mom I said that. HA 

If I'm not mistaken, today is supposed to be Norton L___'s wedding day. Did it come off alright? The wedding, I mean.

Jim's stationery for this letter

I'm just like that sailor at the top of the page. I can't think of anything, either. And speaking of page, I heard Patti Page sing "Doggie In The Window" and is it pretty. I can't get enough of it.

[Editor's Note: That's a fact. I heard "How Much Is That Doggie In The Window" sung by Jim from the time time I was a child until the day I went to college.] 

At first, I thought you took a train to Cinci, but I was re-reading a letter and it seems that you were trying to park on a hill, so I guess you drove down.

I may as well sign off. I can't seem to think of anything more.

Answer soon.

I love you,

Happy Valley

June 25, 1953
San Diego

USS Valley Forge a.k.a "Happy Valley"
Hi Doll, 

Well!! We finally made it. I was beginning to wonder, but we did.

There were 7,600 people on the dock, the largest crowd that ever met a ship in "Dago," I think. I wish you had been one of them.

I have duty tonight and can't get ashore. Just my luck the first day in.

The "ole U.S.A." sure looks good. In fact, I can't think of anything better, although it seems only a short while ago that we pulled out.

I'll be glad when we leave here for Norfolk. I'm anxious to see that side.

Honey!! those things I bought in Japan will have to go. They say we must have them off the ship by the 14th of July. Some of it is yours and some it mine. So, if it is O.K., I'll mail it to you.

I have the midwatch tonight. That is the midnight to 4 in the morning shift. I suppose there isn't much reason for me to go to bed. It must be 10 o'clock now. The watch is easy, but I don't like the hours.

Yes!! I think I'll get 30 days leave this time. If I don't, they will hear from me.

So, you are having trouble with the neighbors? My ex-landlady said they were, too. They are trying to sell their house, also. They live near Livernois and Joy Road.

Baby!! I had better sign off and try to get some sleep before I go on watch.

Answer soon.

I love you, Doll, 


Hitting The Honolulu Beach

June 18, 1953

DeRussy Beach 1953
Hello Honey,

We hit Hawaii yesterday and I had five letters from you. It made me plenty happy.

It sure is hot here. Quite a contrast from what I've been used to and I'm having a pretty hard time getting accustomed to the change.

I'm not gonna answer your letters in order but just as I pick them up. I'm in kind of a hurry to hit the beach. HA  

Norma, I would like to be with you today. I can think of many things we could do. I love you, honey, and will be glad to get home to show you how much. 

That swimming and laughing on the beach sure sounds like fun. 

We had a division party yesterday. I didn't intend to go, but decided I had better. Now, I wish I hadn't. Too much beer, no good. HA  I couldn't hit the ground if I had fallen out of an airplane last night.

Oh, well, I'll quit doing things like that someday.

My mind won't function this morning. I must have been in worse shape yesterday than I thought I was and, from what they say, I was pretty far gone.

I think I'll go over today and see a movie.

Sweet thing, I better sign off before I pass out. HA 

Answer soon.

All my love, 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Civilization By Way Of Milwaukee

June 16, 1953
"At Sea"

The Braves made Major League history when they moved
from Boston to Milwaukee in 1953
Hi Honey,

We must be close to Honolulu, it's hot at hell. I can't stand too much of this temperature. I think I'll go back to the line. On second thought, I don't think I will. HA 

I know we are getting close to civilization because tonight I heard a ball game from Milwaukee. 

We pull into Pearl Harbor tomorrow morning at seven o'clock and the division is having a beer party tomorrow night, but I don't think I'll go. 'Cause too much beer will weaken me. HA 

If I'm right, Pinnegar and Stewart and some more of the guys should be out by now. I'll bet they are sure glad to be civilians again. 

Sometimes I wish I had joined the Army. 

I just wrote my sister a letter and "chewed her out" for going with a certain guy. She is 16, he is 23 and the most obnoxious man I ever met.

My simple mind is pretty well a blank tonight. All I can think of is nine days to stateside and then about 40 days to Norfolk. That East Coast is sure gonna look good to me. 

Hey, honey, tattoo just went, so lights out in five minutes.

Answer soon.

I love you, Doll, 

Coming Home

June 14, 1953
"Coming Home"

The old war weary aren't far from stateside now. We make Pearl Harbor next Wednesday. Today we crossed the International Date Line, so tomorrow will be Sunday also. Today we didn't have to work, but I don't know if we get tomorrow off or not.

We have been on the edge of a typhoon since we left Japan. It hasn't been blowing any but it's foggy and has rained all the way.

I'm pretty positive I can start my leave the first of October. So would you like to see Michigan State play football? I hope you like the idea because I want to see a game while I'm home. 

About four years ago I saw MSC play Notre Dame and just the ceremonies are something to see.

[Editor's Note: At the time, the college was called Michigan State College. It's now Michigan State University.]

Two years ago when we came through Hawaii, I saw "H.U." play a team from stateside. It was a good game but it didn't have the same bands and "bally-ho" as the large US schools have. 

[Editor's Note: The paragraph above has odd phrasing for contemporary readers, comparing the University of Hawaiia's football games to those of "stateside" colleges. Hawaii became a state in 1959. At the time Jim wrote this letter, Hawaii was a territory.]

We have an assembly line here tonight. There are about six guys on model planes and autos. But I doubt any of them will run when they are through.

It sure seems funny to only work eight hours a day now. I have so much spare time I don't know what to do with myself. 

But I don't mind too bad. HA 

Speaking of working with colored people, we have one in our division who is one of the best guys here. He is always cracking some sort of a corny joke. Everybody likes him, even the dyed in the wool southerners. 

I just found out we don't have to work tomorrow. Two days in succession off. What's our X.O. coming to?

Just a couple of days ago he came into our repair locker with a cup of coffee and told us sea tales about his naval career. I suppose he isn't such a bad guy, except he is afraid this ship won't be the best one in the fleet.

Honey, I might as well sign off since I can't think of anything else to write about.

Answer soon.

I love you, Doll, 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Received My Answer

[Editor's Note: On the envelope of this letter, Norma wrote "Received my answer 1953"]

June 8, 1953

Scan of Jim's envelope with the stamp upside down
(meaning "I love you")
Hi Honey,

I finally completed my tour of duty and am on my way home. Break out the bands, lock up the girls and call the kids in the house, 'cause I'm heading East.

We stop today (tomorrow) in Yokohama, then we're on to Pearl Harbor for two days, then we'll reach San Diego the 25th, and we're underway again for Norfolk about the 15th of July. "Damn," it will be nice to get off the West Coast for a while. And another thing, they have begun to discharge Navy men three months before their expiration date. If they keep that up, I might not have to leave the States anymore.

I started this last night, but didn't finish it. I was too tired.

Well, we hit port today and are supposed to pull out tomorrow at 3:00 in the afternoon. 

This morning before we pulled in, we flew all our planes off that would fly and was I glad to see them go.

The pilots will go stateside with us and get new planes when we get there. 

We had a tough time getting them off because of a 50 knot wind that was so strong it almost blew over some of the jets.

Did I tell you about the jet pilot who piled-up so much this cruise? He hit the fences three times. The day after his last one, I saw him in a plane warming up for a take off. I went over and told him I was checking his plane number so I could break out my fire hose when I saw him coming back. At first, he didn't know what to say and finally he blurted out, "You son of  a _____!" HA 

We kid him and call him the "sloppiest" damn pilot in the Pacific, but he doesn't care and isn't a bad pilot. In fact, he is pretty good.

Honey, I got your answer today to my question. Thank you, darling. It makes me feel wonderful to know you love me, too. Also, knowing you'll wait for me gives me something worthwhile to look forward to.

"No," I never heard of the carrier "Albany," it must be "Jeep" carrier. 

I noticed out relief "tub" arrived and it is the "Lake Champlain." 

I was talking with two swabs from it tonight. They didn't seem too happy about leaving the East Coast to come over here. HA 

I think it will be good for those Eastern boys to put up with the stuff for a change. 

Well, doll, I've got to sign off. I have a feeling we will be getting up early.

Answer soon.

I love you,

Codfish Air Lines

May 28, 1953
Valley Forge

Scan of Jim's stationery for this letter
Hi Darling,

I'm back again. We hit the line again today, but didn't do any flying. Bad weather.

I have some pretty straight "dope" this time. We leave the line the 7th of June, arrive in Yokosuka the 9th and leave there the 11th. Stop three days in Pearl Harbor and hit San Diego the 25th. But from now to the 7th of June, it's going to be "rough" on refueling days. We don't rest anymore. We refuel in the morning and fly in the afternoon. 

I'm damn glad I don't have to make a summer cruise over here.

We played three games the last time in port, but only won one of them. One of the losses was a two to one game, which we should have taken.

How would you like a new picture album? They have some real nice ones here. If we get liberty the next time in Japan, I'll get you one. You can use it when you get the one you have filled.

I don't know if "Sex After Forty" is any good or not. I didn't read it. HA 

I was just thinking about how good it will be to get home again and away from all this stuff over here. If I have to pull another cruise out here, I believe I would go nuts for sure. Nothing I can think of would be as bad as this, except maybe the infantry, and sometimes I think they have it better than we do.

Some writer has said that the outfit I'm in was the nearest thing the Navy has to a combat infantryman, but sometimes I think the infantryman is the nearest thing the Army has to a Navy "fire-bug." 

Honey, my section has to get up at 3:00 tomorrow morning, so I had better sign off. But at that [time we are] "late sleepers," the other section gets up at 1:00. HA 

Answer soon. 

I love you,

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Hello From Boot Camp

James C. Parker, S.R. Co. 208 Great Lakes, Ill January 21, 1951 Scan of Jim's envelope Hello Norma, How's the kid? ...