Sunday, May 31, 2015

Homesick for Biscuits

James C. Parker SA 420-84-07
V-1 Division U.S.N.
USS Valley Forge (CV-45)
F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif.

May 17, 1951

The Nathan Bedford Forrest monument located at Pilot Knob near Jim's hometown, Camden, Tennessee, 1949.  Dept. of Conservation Photograph Collection, Tennessee State Library and Archives.

Hi Norma,

How's tricks? Maybe my letter hasn't had time to get there, but I answered it the same day I got yours.   But the mail is messed up something awful here.  

I met a man who works in the shipyards here that is from my home town in Tennessee. Well, not exactly from my town, but real close, and he has invited me out to his house for dinner.  "Oh boy," maybe I'll get some biscuits, "huh?" 

[Editor's note: The link above goes to the recipe for Marc Forgione's biscuits that were served in his father's restaurant, An American Place, which helped to assuage my own homesick cravings when I lived in Manhattan in the 80s and 90s.  They are the best example of southern biscuits I have ever encountered outside of my grandmothers' and aunts's kitchens. Try the recipe and you'll understand what Jim and I were missing.]

In that last letter you sent me you said something about a girl I liked down at Gilead.  I would like to know more about it.  I mean exactly what you heard and who you heard it from.  It might just be gossip and if it isn't, I wouldn't have a chance.  Some other guy will have her before my 4 year hitch is up.  But that's O.K.  There are more pebbles on the beach.  HA!  

You can tell Riva G________ to go "fly a kite," or something like that.  She won't answer my letter.

Well, I'd better sign off.  I've got to shave before taps.

Answer soon.  

Your pal, 


Thursday, May 28, 2015


USS Valley Forge
May 12, 1951, Sat.

"TO LOOK THEIR BEST--Fireman 1st Class Samuel E. Adolt, 19, sees something new on destroyer: Marion Koopman, left and Margaret Williams, prettying up."  Los Angeles Times, 28 August 1950 

Hello Norma,

How's the kid?  I just got your letter this morning and was real glad to hear from you.  Yes, I like to get long letters, in fact, any kind of letter is O.K. by me.  But I don't get this about you being lonely.  Sometimes I get a little blue but I can't see any reason why you should.  But I guess maybe I can see your point, every so often I used to get a longing for something but I never could figure out what it was.  

So you finally admitted you are a flirt. HA.  But I will say that you flirt in a very nice way.  

So you heard that I liked some girl at Gilead, huh. Look, Norma, I like girls any where, any girls, but if you told me more about what you heard, and who you heard it from, I might be able to tell you more about it.  But until you hear it from me, then don't believe in gossip.  

The fact is most girls look alike to me.  I've never met but one I cared enough about to start gossip.  But you did arouse my curousity (bad spelling) and I would like to know more about it.  

So Joan doesn't look so sharp in her uniform.  That's what most sailors think, too.  I have never yet seen a sailor out with a wave.   And if I did go out with one it wouldn't be in public. HA.

I have duty this weekend but next week I have a 72 hour pass coming.  I think I shall go out and howl around a bit.

"Say," I thought Joan and Earl H_______ were engaged but I hear she is going out with everybody but him.  Guess that shows how wrong I can be.  I wrote Earl a letter but he never answered it.  Guess he's pretty busy being a fireman and all that.

Well, Norma, I've got to sign off.  Answer real soon.

Your "ole" buddy,

Sunday, May 24, 2015

On the USS Valley Forge

May 5, 19901
Time Civilian 5:00 PM
Navy 1700

Scan of Jim's envelope, ca. 1951

Hi Norma,

I received your letter this morning and I'm answering it already, how's that for promptness?

I sure was glad to hear from you.  No, I didn't get the letter you wrote from Kentucky, nor the one that was typewritten.  This mail situation is a screwed up mess anyway.

So you got a job!! I guess you decided since you weren't going to get married you had better start supporting yourself.  HA!  

So you don't know how to flirt?  All girls must know how to flirt.  It just comes natchurly.  (I don't have a dictionary around, so you'll have to excuse the spelling.)  

And you asked if I had been hooked?  You know better than that.  Every once in a while I meet a girl who I think is the one, then I see some one else who is maybe a little better looking and I'm off again.  Maybe when I get to Japan I will meet some "gook" (that's what we call them) who will make me settle down.  But right now, I'm open to the general public.

I haven't heard from any of the kids at church since I came back.  What about getting them on the ball for me, "huh."  

I'll bet your new hair style is nice, but I have to save further comment until I come home and by that time it will have grown out again.

"Thanks" for offering help a lonely sailor, but I guess there isn't much you can do except write "and often."  I'll send you a picture when I get a chance to get some made.

Well I better close now.  I'm going to write Dorothy H_____ and see if I can talk her into answering.  

So long for now.

Your buddy, 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

On Treasure Island

21 April 1951

Scan of Jim's stationary, ca.1951

Hello Norma,

I wonder what you are doing now.  "Oh, no," don't tell me, let me guess.  Here it is 4:30, there it is 7:30.  You must be at church flirting with the boys.  Am I right?  Correct me if I am wrong.  "Ah, yes." [Editor's note: April 21, 1951 was a Wednesday and Norma would most likely have gone to Gilead Baptist Church's Wednesday night Prayer Meeting Service.]

I am in San Francisco, Calif., in case you didn't know already.  It's pretty nice out here but I had rather be in Detroit.  

Check that upper right hand corner, pretty nice, "huh." 

"Boy," am I tired.  I just quit playing ball.  

I went to a Baptist church in 'Frisco this morning.  It made me homesick.  They treated me real swell over there.  

We are supposed to leave this place soon and go to Seattle, Wash. Our ship is in dry dock there.

I can't think of anything to write, Norma, my brain is still foggy from losing so much sleep last night.  I'm going to sign off and go hit the sack.  There is no use of your answering this letter.  Don't guess I will be around to get it, but in case you want to, my address is 

James C. Parker S.A.
U.S. Naval Receiving Station 
Treasure Island
San Francisco, Calif. 

Your buddy, 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Pressures of Boot Camp

11 March 1951
Great Lakes, Ill.

USNTC logo from Jim's stationary, circa 1951

Hello Norma,

Now don't get mad at me because I'm absentminded.  I wrote to you last week and forgot to put a stamp on the letter.  "Guess I've done blown my cooker." "Oh, nice." I'll put two stamps on this one to make sure.  [Editor's note: He did put two 3 cent stamps on the envelope of this letter.]

I guess you've been having fun chasing boys since you broke up with that Air Force joker.  We call them bus drivers because of the uniform.  I don't blame you for not marrying one of them guys.  You can always find a sailor and they are much better.  

Guess what!! I'm coming home about the first of April. That is when boot camp is over.  "Boy," will it be nice to get home again.  

I just heard on the radio that the first shipload of Korean War dead were on the way back to the U.S. I suppose they are grooming us to take their place.  

Do you go out with the kids from church very often? I sure would like to get a chance to go out with them and maybe it won't be long before I get the chance.  

Last Saturday, we had to jump off a 13 foot platform into water with a life jacket.  I was a little scared, but some of the boys had to be pushed off.  

Well, Norma, "old kid," I've got to go on watch pretty soon and have to shave first, so I'll sign off for this time.  Answer real soon.

Your pal, 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bored In Boot Camp

Feb. 17, 1951
Great Lakes, Ill.

 Main Entrance to the United States Naval Training Center at Great Lakes circa 1948
Copyright © 2000-2014 Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives. All rights reserved. 

Hello Norma,

How's the girl?  Good, I hope.  This leaves me fine.  

Well, this is Saturday afternoon and I get the afternoon off, but I can't go down south for a rest.  HA  I haven't got time. I have not been off this base since I got here.

I don't know if I'm convinced or not but I know what you mean by inquisitive, nosy people and have seen lots of them.  In fact, I am one myself.  HA. 

I guess the roads are pretty bad, at least they are around here.

We had our naval interview yesterday.  I'm going to sea and strike for cook.  In the navy we call it Commissary.

They tell me Joan M______ will be here around the 26th of the month.  I think I can get to see her.  I don't know why she joined the Waves.  Why didn't she join the Campfire Girls?  

I think we graduate the 19th of March.  I sure will be glad to get away from this place.   It will be at least two more weeks before we get a liberty.   I might get a leave when boot camp is over but it is doubtful.  It will probably be a long time before I come home.  The next time I see you I might have a little French girl on my arm. HA 

We got our blue clothes back from the tailor yesterday.  My pants are about six inches too big, when I'm at attention my pants are still at ease.  I know that's old, but it's still pretty good.  

One of the boys got a Dear John letter like the one you probably sent your ex and it was the nuttiest letter I ever read.  We all read it and really got a laugh out of it. The next time you want to break up with a serviceman don't do it by mail or everybody will laugh at you.  HA.  That is if you are as crazy as this gal was but I don't think you are.

Well, I've got to sign off for now.  I've got to write some more letters.  Answer like you did the last time. HA.

Your buddy, Jim

P.S. The S.R. means Seaman Recruit.

Click here to read the next letter. 

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Hello From Boot Camp

James C. Parker, S.R. Co. 208 Great Lakes, Ill January 21, 1951 Scan of Jim's envelope Hello Norma, How's the kid? ...