Co. 208
Great Lakes, Ill
January 21, 1951
Hello Norma,
How's the kid? As for me, I couldn't be better and know less.
Well, we are really having rough weather here. It snows and rains all the time. You should see me march, "boy" that really is something. And my clothes, oh "man oh man," nothing fits me but one shirt. When I snap to attention my pants are still at ease. The chow here is plenty good but you have to stand in line for 50 minutes sometimes. The guys are telling jokes so don't be surprised at what I put in this letter. Some of them are kind of smutty.
I don't know what to write except to ask how your boyfriend is getting along and if you are still going to get married when he gets out of the Air Force. Well, I had better sign off for now because I have some more letters to write.
Answer soon or sooner.
Bye for now,